
Payment Methods


Methods of payment accepted at HybridPit™ depends on your location.

Domestic Orders (U.S.):
HybridPit ™ accepts major credit cards including VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. All credit card purchases are verified using your billing address for your protection. If would like us to ship your order to an address other than your billing address, please call your credit card company to add additional shipping addresses to your account. Your credit card will be charged only after your order is shipped.

HybridPit™ also accepts PayPal. If you are using PayPal as the method of payment, your PayPal account MUST be VERIFIED with a CONFIRMED address. NO EXCEPTIONS.

International Orders: (Outside of U.S.)
We accept wire transfer and PayPal. If paying by PayPal, your PayPal account must be VERIFIED with a CONFIRMED address. Only certain countries can meet these PayPal requirements. Please contact us for payment instructions.

We DO NOT accept credit cards as a method of payment if you are outside of the U.S. NO EXCEPTIONS!


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